Friday, 22 July 2011

Diet & Supplements

Good nutrition is essential to health.  Eating healthy is simply eating real food.  Real food is what we grew up with: meat, chicken, and fish, not loaded with synthetic hormones and antibiotics;  I'm talking about real fats like butter, cream, full-cream cheese, and olive oil, not man-made fats; fresh fruits and vegetables, not sprayed to death with pesticides and chemicals to make them grow larger and more beautiful.

How did we get so far off track?  How is it that we now have as many overweight people as we have underfed people?  The answer is processed foods.  It's the sugars and the refined carbohydrates that are making us fat and affecting our health. Our portions are too large.  We eat out more and cook less at home.

Sugary foods and trans fats disrupt your hormones, so they can no longer keep your body on an even keel to give you the youthful energy and health that you want...your insulin will rise...weight gain is the result, along with increased cholesterol and diabetes.  Diabetes raises cortisol which makes sleep difficult.  If you can't sleep, your insulin has no chance of going down, and the effect is continued high cortisol, which can eventually lead to heart attack and/or stroke - that is if diabetes doesn't get to you first.

Giving up sugar is a good start.  By doing so, you can prevent your pancreas from oversecreting insulin, which will keep you blood sugar and hormones balanced.  With balance comes weight loss, lowered cholesterol levels, a decreased risk of heart disease and cancer, and longevity.  In healing insulin resistance, the body will unload the stored sugar in the cells, and your body fat will melt away.  After the body releases the stored sugar, it then turns to your fat reserves to break down and use as an energy source. The result - you get thinner while your body is being fed a constant source of energy.

Unfortunately, today's foods are not as rich as they once were in vitamins and minerals.  That is why supplementation is an important component of your daily diet.  Within a few weeks of taking vitamins and supplements, I noticed a profound increase in my energy and vitality.  As for my regimen, I am sure to include calcium, vitamin C, E, St Johns wort, glucosamine, selenium, CoQ10, multivitamin etc.

In addition to supplements, Dr. Galitzer, my antiaging doctor, gives me tinctures and drops to stimulate my major hormones along with my minor hormones.  He also gives me formulas to regenerate my weakest organs.  He explains that when a patient comes in with numerous physical complaints, he realises that many of the important organs are toxic and sluggish.  He uses herbal drainage formulas to cleanse the body by stimulating the excretion systems of the liver, kidney, and lymph glands to rid the body of toxins that have accumulated over time.  The organs now need to be toned and strengthened.  These formulas are homeopathic, derived from plant, mineral, and animal kingdoms.  These regenerative formulas support thyroid, adrenal, pancreas, and liver function. When used in combination with bioidentical hormones, they create an optimal result.

Suzanne Somers, Ageless