Wednesday, 25 May 2011

How To Lose Abdominal Fat

Who doesn't want to lose abdominal fat? Whether it's to reveal a flat stomach or razor-sharp six-pack abs, it helps us all on the way to our best body.

So, the general consensus is abdominal fat must go, but how? See the problem is you cannot spot reduce fat. This means that no matter how many sit-ups you do you cannot remove fat from your abs by just by working them. As a wise man once said; abs are made in the kitchen, not the gym. Your diet is the difference that makes the difference. Your abdominal program is your nutrition plan.

Think of an iceberg: you see the tip yet 80% of its mass is beneath the surface. It is the same as exercise to diet: sure it looks impressive to exercise but it isn't where the action is.

Combining an effective diet with the right exercise will help you lose fat at the fastest rate possible, just remember: diet comes first and it's not as complicated as you may have been led to believe.

1) Focus on creating an energy deficit
Eat fewer calories than you use. This is that "beneath the surface" bit, and it's the key to losing fat. Deprivation diets don't work, so the easier you can make the process the better. The following tips will help you with that....

2) Cut out processed food
They come loaded with preservatives in numbers and toxins in your body has to deal with before you can get on with the business of burning fat. Thought it was processed when he bought it? That's nothing compared to the work your body has to do to clean up the mess it makes of you.

3) Drink water
It helps flush toxins keep your organs with optimal fat melting condition

4) Eat less food but feel more satisfied
Lots of people fear the hunger pangs of eating less food. However, you can get around this by eating lots of bulky high-volume low-calorie foods such as salads and vegetables they give you that full feeling, keeping you on track for a fat burning calorie deficit.

5) Eat a nutrient dense diet
Cravings are often more about our need for nutrients not energy. Get enough of these and the hunger goes away. Eat foods rich in nutrients and consider supplements such as cod liver oil. Your grandmother was right all along.

Following these 5 tips will help you get on track to lose abdominal fast and make sure it stays lost.

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